Christ On Parade were a hardcore band from the Bay Area in the '80s. Very intense young lads were these.
At the time of their inception, the fusion between metal and hardcore was becoming a staple amongst those in the underground yet they didn't allow their message to become diluted by signing with a bigger name record label. This album was originally released on PusMort, a record label started by skate artist and Septic Death singer Pushead. Many of the bands on the label fit into this musical melting pot of what was once known as heavy metal or hardcore punk music. The dividing lines started to become blurred at this stage in the musical evolution.
The band has re-formed and is currently on tour overseas. Look for them on myspace if you want to know more about all that.
Prank has re-issued the Sounds Of Nature LP and included all of their recorded material on the record as a bonus.
Here are the liner notes from the record.
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