Saturday, September 15, 2007

"I Inhabit the World of Concrete Systems"

Saccharine Trust began their musical career on the SST Records label and thus did a lot of touring with Black Flag and the Minutemen. Although, their musical compatriots were described as hardcore bands, there was always a free jazz element that grew and became stronger with each studio recording that was issued by the group.

The logo, depicting a crucified snake on two wooden planks in the shape of a cross, was derived from a tattoo on the arm of Earl Liberty, the second bass player in the band. He had the tattoo etched on his forearm after a stint in the hospital that occurred after fleeing the police from a gig that had gone awry. It's safe to say that the name of the band emanated as a result of the Food & Drug Administration's debate and investigation into the safety of the manufacturing of Saccharin for use in food products as a sweetener- an issue that was very prominent during the 1980s.

The bass lines on any Saccharine Trust release are infectious to the listener and this collection of live recordings that spanned the band's career aren't any different. A particularly fun track on the double LP is their cover of Black Flag's Six Pack with Kira (bass player from Black Flag's later years) singing backing vocals.

Past Lives

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